
How To Install Hp Alm On Windows 7

For all parameter descriptions beneath, required parameters are shown in bold italics .
In the CloudBees CD UI, go to the Home page, open the Main Bill of fare, and click Admin > Plugins to open up the Plugin Director.


  1. HP ALM takes the user-divers parameters and creates the command to be run in the CloudBees CD agent.

  2. The credential parameters are retrieved from the CloudBees CD server (the ones that friction match the "Credential Name" field on the step definition page) and execute the login into the HP ALM server.

  3. The job starts the test prepare execution and periodically polls the HP ALM server for the exam set run results.

  4. The PostProcessor provides periodic updates to report the number of tests that passed and failed to the CloudBees CD server. Results are displayed live equally the exam runs on the CloudBees CD web UI.

  5. The examination set finishes. The Condition says "Success" if all tests passed; otherwise the Condition says "Error".

This process allows the input of a specific test gear up to be run. All the tests specified in the test set are run in the same order that they are defined on the HP ALM server. This test is always run locally, which means that all tests are to exist run on the local host (in this case, the CloudBees CD server).

It displays a summary, which updates while the test is running. If there is an mistake in the configuration or in the test parameters provided, it appears in the CloudBees CD UI. If the examination is well configured, the summary shows the live statistics of failed and passed test(s); this is also a link to the specific failed exam(s) to evidence which one failed. In both cases, more detailed information is in the log file, which contains the output generated by the console.

Important: this process handles automatic tests only.

Parameter Description

Folder(southward) Path

Complete path where the test set is located. Information technology should offset from the "Root" directory. (Required)

Test set

Name of the specific test fix to be executed. (Required)

Configuration Name

Name of the configuration that you lot want to use. (Required)


Gathers reports from the specified HP ALM instance.

Of import note: the process uses a new Remainder API, which is now in condition "Technical preview". The procedure was developed against HP ALM version 12.50.

Parameter Clarification

Configuration Name

Provide the proper noun of your HP ALM configuration.


Filter to think test runs. See Filtering for reference.

Field mapping

HP ALM run fields that identify the test run that the quality object is associated with. Eastward.g., "testset-name:projectName". The identified fields volition be used to populate the target fields identified in the report object association from exam run to quality. Quotes "" set the constant value - e.g. "myProject":releaseProjectName will produce a payload like {"releaseProjectName": "myProject"}

Fields to aggregate

The exam run fields to aggregate on. For each group based on the status field and additional group by fields, the sum of each of the specified fields volition be calculated and stored equally separate fields. These fields are expected to be numeric fields. Each field tin can exist optionally specified equally "field-name:qualityFieldName" in which instance the value will exist stored as "qualityFieldName".

Metadata property path

Belongings sheet where run metadata volition be stored. Optional field. If omited, /mySchedule/EC-ALM-%JobName%-%Report Object Type% will be used for schedule competition. For all other contexts root is /myProject.

Transformation script

Allows user to provide perl script for payload customization. This method will be invoked past plugin with 2 parameters. 1st parameter is context object, second is payload object. Method should be named "transform", and should return payload object. In this example myTimestamp field will be added to payload object:

sub transform { my ($context, $payload) = @_; $payload->{myTimestamp} = $context->1(); return $payload; } sub one { my ($context) = @_; return time(); }                                              

The procedure retrieves test runs from HP ALM, groups them by the specified fields, creates written report payload and sends the payload into the reporting arrangement. To associate issues with Quality object, "Field mapping" parameter must be specified.

Field mapping has a format of "hp-alm-field:qualityField", where "hp-alm-field" is the name of the field in HP ALM test run (e.chiliad. "") and the "qualityField" is the proper name of the field in Quality, e.g. "releaseProjectName". About common fields are:

  • testset-name - the proper noun of the test set of the particular run

  • status - cord representation of the event status, east.thou. Passed

  • requirements.requirement-release-name - string representation of release name, e.f. My Release

  • duration - test run duration. Can be useful if separate test runs are sent - i.e. when "Fields to Amass" parameter is empty.

  • successfulTests, failedTests, skippedTests - special fields, betoken the condition of the test. Can be used for aggregation. The value is always ane or 0 for the each test run - depends on the examination run result.

All bachelor HP ALM fields can exist seen in the procedure logs.

To gather some summary data, like sum of durations in the grouped runs, "Fields to aggregate" parameter must be specified. In case the parameter is empty, each event will be sent as a separare study payload. Whatever field with numeric data can be used in this parameter. By and large used fields are:

  • duration - examination run duration

  • successfulTests, failedTests, skippedTests - the number of successful/failed/skipped tests.

The unmarried test run can look similar below:

$VAR1 = {   'examination-runtime-data' => '',   'testcycl-id' => '1',   'last-modified' => '2017-06-xvi 09:51:54',   'iters-params-values' => '',   'test-storage-path' => 'one',   'pinned-baseline' => '',   'category' => 'SYSTEM-TEST',   'assign-rcyc' => '',   'ver-stamp' => 'three',   'test-text-sync' => '',   'exam-society-id' => '1',   'test-condition' => 'Design',   'name' => 'Run_6-16_9-51-51',   'cycle-id' => '1',   'vc-condition' => '',   'test-check-out-user-proper noun' => '',   'test-vc-checkin-time' => '',   'bpta-alter-detected' => undef,   'successfulTests' => 1,   'test-name' => 'test1',   'test-configurations-count' => '1',   'cycle' => '',   'test-possessor' => 'admin',   'test-timeout' => undef,   'exam-ver-stamp' => '199',   'execution-appointment' => '2017-06-16',   'test-vc-date' => undef,   'attachment' => '',   'test-exec-status' => 'Passed',   'os-build' => 'Build 9200',   'path' => '',   'examination-base-test-id' => undef,   'bpt-structure' => '',   'test-parent-id' => '1001',   'test-subtype-id' => 'SYSTEM-TEST',   'examination-vc-status' => '',   'bone-config' => '',   'test-config-id' => '1001',   'cycle-proper noun' => 'SampleTestSet',   'vc-locked-past' => '',   'run-start' => '2017-06-16 09:51:54',   'comments' => '',   'vc-version-number' => undef,   'country' => '',   'bpta-change-awareness' => '',   'test-has-dependencies' => '0',   'os-name' => '',   'id' => '4',   'examination-has-criteria' => 'N',   'examination-vc-checkin-appointment' => undef,   'examination-case' => '1',   'iters-sum-condition' => '',   'test-clarification' => '',   'test-template' => '',   'duration' => 'two',   'execution-time' => '09:51:54',   'examination-vc-first-inspect-action-id' => '1',   'test-vc-time' => '',   'test-vc-comments' => '',   'subtype-id' => '',   'test-vc-checkin-comments' => '',   'status' => 'Passed',   'test-final-modified' => '2017-07-04 09:14:28',   'test-steps' => '0',   'exam-vc-end-audit-action-id' => '1',   'examination-vc-version-number' => undef,   'text-sync' => '',   'examination-estimate-devtime' => undef,   'possessor' => 'admin',   'os-sp' => '',   'examination-creation-fourth dimension' => '2017-06-15',   'test-dev-comments' => '',   'test-zipper' => '',   'requirements' => [       {         'requirement-rbt-custom-testing-hours' => undef,         'requirement-check-out-user-proper name' => '',         'release-has-attachments' => '',         'requirement-ver-stamp' => '116',         'requirement-last-modified' => '2017-07-04 09:xiv:42',         'requirement-vc-checkin-user-name' => '',         'requirement-rbt-func-cmplx' => '',         'release-scope-items-count' => '1',         'requirement-asking-updates' => '',         'requirement-male parent-name' => 'Requirements',         'release-req-count' => 'ii',         'release-concluding-modified' => '2017-06-15 14:07:48',         'requirement-lodge-id' => '1',         'requirement-rbt-custom-bsns-impact' => '',         'requirement-rbt-utilize-custom-fail-prob' => '',         'requirement-asking-assign-to' => '',         'requirement-parent-id' => '0',         'release-get-go-engagement' => '2017-06-13',         'requirement-has-rich-content' => 'North',         'release-name' => 'Release',         'requirement-hierarchical-path' => 'AAAAAB',         'requirement-description' => '',         'requirement-rbt-analysis-result-data' => '',         'requirement-req-rich-content' => '',         'requirement-vc-condition' => '',         'requirement-rbt-analysis-parent-req-id' => undef,         'requirement-rbt-testing-hours' => undef,         'requirement-rbt-last-analysis-date' => undef,         'requirement-rbt-custom-testing-level' => '',         'release-clarification' => '',         'requirement-type-id' => '3',         'requirement-vc-checkout-comments' => '',         'requirement-rbt-rnd-estim-endeavour-hours' => undef,         'requirement-request-id' => undef,         'requirement-rbt-custom-func-cmplx' => '',         'release-cease-date' => '2017-06-17',         'requirement-rbt-fail-prob' => '',         'requirement-rbt-assessment-data' => '',         'release-ver-stamp' => 'two',         'release-parent-id' => 'one',         'requirement-vc-checkin-date' => undef,         'requirement-rbt-apply-custom-risk' => '',         'requirement-rbt-effective-bsns-impact' => '',         'requirement-comments' => '',         'requirement-req-reviewed' => 'Non Reviewed',         'requirement-rbt-effective-risk' => '',         'requirement-request-condition' => '',         'requirement-vc-version-number' => undef,         'release-id' => '1001',         'requirement-request-note' => '',         'requirement-id' => '2',         'requirement-vc-checkin-comments' => '',         'requirement-rbt-run a risk' => '',         'requirement-rbt-utilize-custom-func-cmplx' => '',         'requirement-rbt-ignore-in-analysis' => '',         'requirement-req-priority' => '',         'requirement-possessor' => 'admin',         'requirement-rbt-bsns-impact' => '',         'requirement-rbt-constructive-neglect-prob' => '',         'requirement-rbt-custom-fail-prob' => '',         'requirement-vc-checkout-appointment' => undef,         'requirement-vc-checkin-time' => '',         'requirement-rbt-constructive-func-cmplx' => '',         'requirement-istemplate' => '0',         'requirement-request-type' => '',         'requirement-name' => 'Req2',         'requirement-req-time' => '14:11:01',         'requirement-status' => 'Failed',         'requirement-attachment' => '',         'requirement-no-of-sons' => '0',         'requirement-request-server' => '',         'requirement-rbt-testing-level' => '',         'requirement-vc-checkout-time' => '',         'requirement-rbt-custom-risk' => '',         'requirement-has-linkage' => 'N',         'requirement-rbt-analysis-setup-data' => '',         'requirement-creation-time' => '2017-06-15',         'requirement-rbt-apply-custom-tl-and-te' => '',         'release-milestones-count' => '0',         'requirement-req-production' => 'Product 1',         'requirement-target-rcyc' => undef,         'requirement-rbt-use-custom-bsns-impact' => ''       }                     ],   'test-vc-checkin-user-proper name' => '',   'testcycl-name' => 'test1 [1]',   'host' => 'EC2AMAZ-7BNIV3U',   'typhoon' => 'N',   'environment' => '',   'test-id' => '1',   'motorcar' => i,   'test-has-linkage' => 'Y',   'test-footstep-param' => '0',   'has-linkage' => 'N' };                          

To put a showtime-level field into the mapping, the field proper name will exist enough, east.m. testcycl-name:myMappingField .

To map a field from an assortment, e.g the name of the release, dot syntax is used: requirements.release-name:releaseName , where "requirements" is the name of the array and "release-name" is the name of the object in the assortment.


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