
Access Violation Writing Location C++

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12-Jul-09 23:37

cofounder Chris Maunder 12-Jul-09 23:37
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Chris Maunder

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Pinned HOW TO ASK A QUESTION Pin Popular

Chris Maunder 12-Feb-09 18:19

cofounder Chris Maunder 12-Feb-09 18:19
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Chris Maunder

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Question c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

CalinNegru(fearless_) 10-Nov-21 2:40

Member CalinNegru(fearless_) 10-Nov-21 2:40
A while ago I`m started making a c++ code debugger tool in Forms (C#). The tool is designed to spot faults in a c++ code file and works such that in the process no compilation is taking place. It`s basically a simulation of execution without a binary file being involved. Are there similar projects around?
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Answer Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

jeron1 10-Nov-21 7:09

Member jeron1 10-Nov-21 7:09

CalinNegru(fearless_) wrote:

It`s basically a simulation of execution without a binary file being involved
Sorry, I don't have an answer for you, but wow, that's sounds incredibly ambitious. OMG | :OMG:

"the debugger doesn't tell me anything because this code compiles just fine" - random QA comment
"Facebook is where you tell lies to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." - chriselst
"I don't drink any more... then again, I don't drink any less." - Mike Mullikins uncle

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General Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

CalinNegru(fearless_) 10-Nov-21 8:36

Member CalinNegru(fearless_) 10-Nov-21 8:36

It`s similar to what Visual Studio Intellisense does just driven one step further
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General Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

jeron1 10-Nov-21 8:47

Member jeron1 10-Nov-21 8:47

Simulating execution versus providing context sensitive help seems like a BIG step, at least to me. I'm not dismissing Intellisense, which I imagine is a very large and complex task itself.

"the debugger doesn't tell me anything because this code compiles just fine" - random QA comment
"Facebook is where you tell lies to your friends. Twitter is where you tell the truth to strangers." - chriselst
"I don't drink any more... then again, I don't drink any less." - Mike Mullikins uncle

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General [edit] Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

CalinNegru(fearless_) 10-Nov-21 9:25

Member CalinNegru(fearless_) 10-Nov-21 9:25

Itellisense keeps track of variables (which involves the creation of some sort of structures to hold at least the variable name and type) and brackets, but I agree it`s all on a very shallow level. I thought storing variable values would be the next logical step. Getting on this track started from me being frustrated with silent errors one gets when accessing an array outside its bounds. You could fix this by adding safety checks around the array in the c++ code but I thought you could also have an Intellisense like system that would spot the error. Evolving it into something that can `understand` classes or other advanced c++ features is an ambitious undertaking indeed I`m not sure I`m aiming that high.

here`s a short video of my program performing some basic operations:
Simulating code execution - YouTube[^]

modified 16hrs ago.

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Answer Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

k5054 10-Nov-21 9:23

mve k5054 10-Nov-21 9:23

I'm not sure, excactly, what it is you're trying to accomplish. If you're thinking of creating a full C++ interpreter, then maybe you want to look at the Cling - ROOT project. However, that is a Linux only project, so it probably wont fit your needs. There might be a good C++ interpreter available for windows out there, you'll just have to google for it.
If what you are trying to achieve is more along the lines of code analysis, then maybe clang-tidy is more what you are thinking of, in which case see here: Using Clang-Tidy in Visual Studio | Microsoft Docs
But maybe I've misunderstood what it is you're trying to do. Perhaps the exercise of writing a C++ parser is in itself worth the effort for you, in which case, have at it!

Keep Calm and Carry On

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General Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

CalinNegru(fearless_) 19hrs 11mins ago

Member CalinNegru(fearless_) 19hrs 11mins ago

thanks I`ll take a look at those projects to see if they are a match to what I`m trying to build. Note: I could be misusing the term `interpreter` here, that could be a word that is used to designate a very specific thing in software development.

modified 19hrs ago.

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General Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

Greg Utas 12hrs 45mins ago

mva Greg Utas 12hrs 45mins ago
General Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

CalinNegru(fearless_) 11hrs 53mins ago

Member CalinNegru(fearless_) 11hrs 53mins ago

I`m making proper use of the term then. Thanks for the article link Greg
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General Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

Greg Utas 11hrs 36mins ago

mva Greg Utas 11hrs 36mins ago

The code in the article could evolve into a C++ interpreter, but I decided this wouldn't be as useful as enhancing its static analysis capabilities. There are also C++11 language features that it doesn't support, and it doesn't do folding (calculating compile-time constants).

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General Re: c++ code interpreter/debugging tool Pin

CalinNegru(fearless_) 8hrs 2mins ago

Member CalinNegru(fearless_) 8hrs 2mins ago

I`ll probably won`t end-up much further than getting my feet wet but that good to know.
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Question Message Closed Pin

3-Nov-21 8:17

Member puntergill 3-Nov-21 8:17
Question Where to find resource on "how to analyze " system call output Pin

Member 14968771 22-Oct-21 8:10

Member Member 14968771 22-Oct-21 8:10
I like to bypass some of the Bluetooth "resources" in my C / C++ code by using (direct) system calls.
I can czech for return value, but like to analyze more of the output, in including errors.

Where do I start ?

Contrary to my opinion ( about RTFM ) - can somebody give me link to "RTFM" how to do it ?

system(" hcitool dev");   return to stdout (?)   Devices: 	hci1	00:50:B6:80:4D:5D 	hci0	00:15:83:15:A2:CB

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Answer Re: Where to find resource on "how to analyze " system call output Pin

k5054 22-Oct-21 9:31

mve k5054 22-Oct-21 9:31

Rather than system(), you want to use popen(). The only problem is that popen() doesn't supply a separate FILE for stderr, so you have to use output redirection to capture both e.g.
FILE *cmd = popen("                                      hcitool dev 2>&1",                                      "                                      r");                                      char                                      *buffer = NULL;                                      size_t                                      len =                                      0; ssize_t readlen;                                      while                                      ( (readlen = getline(&buffer, len, cmd))                                      >                                      0) {     } free(buffer); pclose(cmd);
You could perhaps also use output redirection to capture output separately e.g.
FILE *cmd = popen("                                      hcitool dev 2>/tmp/hcierrs",                                      "                                      r");     FILE *cmd_errs = fopen("                                      /tmp/hcierrs",                                      "                                      r");     unlink("                                      /tmp/hcierrs");
If you're going to do that, you might want to look at creating unique temporary file names, so that you don't clobber output if you happen to have more than one instance of the program running at the same time. mkstemp() can help you here.
For the really advanced, you might look into trying "roll your own" version of popen that uses fork() and one of the exec() functions to separate out stdout and stderr to two separate FILES.

Keep Calm and Carry On

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Question Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

rdeekonda 20-Oct-21 22:05

Member rdeekonda 20-Oct-21 22:05
I am using an outlook bar style property sheet with 3 property pages as the main window of my application.I am unable to change the tab icons displayed on the property sheet.Please suggest any strategy to change the icons.I have gone through all the documentation related to property sheets
and also googled but I couldn't get a solution. I have code which is not working and will post it if required.

Deekonda Ramesh

modified 21-Oct-21 3:19am.

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Answer Re: Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

Richard MacCutchan 20-Oct-21 23:21

mve Richard MacCutchan 20-Oct-21 23:21
General Re: Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

rdeekonda 21-Oct-21 22:47

Member rdeekonda 21-Oct-21 22:47

SetIconsList works only once before the call to DoModal() on the property sheet. When It called a second time it asserts in afxpropertysheet.cpp : at line ENSURE(m_Icons.GetSafeHandle()==NULL).

Deekonda Ramesh

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General Re: Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

Victor Nijegorodov 21-Oct-21 23:55

Member Victor Nijegorodov 21-Oct-21 23:55

In such a case I'd recommend to subclass the CMFCPropertySheet (derive your own class from it) and overload the SetIconsList method. Or better implement the new method (say, ReplaceIcon) that would directly manipulate (remove/add/replace an image) with the m_Icons imagelist.
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General Re: Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

rdeekonda 22-Oct-21 7:10

Member rdeekonda 22-Oct-21 7:10

I have derived a class from CMFCPropertySheet and I changed m_Icons member with the new bitmaps.It does not show any change in the displayed icons/bitmaps.

Deekonda Ramesh

modified 22-Oct-21 12:38pm.

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General Re: Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

Victor Nijegorodov 22-Oct-21 7:55

Member Victor Nijegorodov 22-Oct-21 7:55

Then investigate the afxpropertysheet.cpp (and probably some more (friend and other classes) source code to see where and how the m_Icons imagelist is involved and try to change it according to your needs! Laugh | :laugh:
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General Re: Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

rdeekonda 24-Oct-21 7:12

Member rdeekonda 24-Oct-21 7:12

CMFCPropertySheet has a member called m_wndPane1. Following approach also did not work. Button images are jumbled up
m_wndPane1.RemoveAllButtons(); m_wndPane1.ClearAll();   retval=m_wndPane1.AddButton(m_bmpimgs[0],                                      "                                      Create a Job",                                      10050,                                      0); retval=m_wndPane1.AddButton(m_bmpimgs[1],                                      "                                      Manage a Job",                                      10051,                                      1); retval=m_wndPane1.AddButton(m_bmpimgs[2],                                      "                                      Restore a Job",                                      10052,                                      2);  m_wndPane1.InvalidateButton(0); m_wndPane1.InvalidateButton(1); m_wndPane1.InvalidateButton(2);                                    

Deekonda Ramesh

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General Re: Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

rdeekonda 25-Oct-21 3:31

Member rdeekonda 25-Oct-21 3:31

Got the answer mostly due to Microsoft Q&A This code placed in the derived property sheet works if the bitmap images are all of exactly the same size Thanks also to Victor Nijegorodov for his suggestions:


retval=m_wndPane1.AddButton(m_bmpimgs[0], "Create a Job", 10050, 0);
retval=m_wndPane1.AddButton(m_bmpimgs[1], "Manage a Job", 10051, 1);
retval=m_wndPane1.AddButton(m_bmpimgs[2], "Restore a Job", 10052, 2);


Deekonda Ramesh

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Rant [REPOST] Changing the icons displayed on an outlook bar style property sheet (class CMFCPropertySheet) Pin

Richard Deeming 21-Oct-21 0:31

mve Richard Deeming 21-Oct-21 0:31

Access Violation Writing Location C++


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